About Us

BCIC LTD was established in 1999 and operated in the area of consultancy, Project management, organization, construction, education and supply of construction materials and other goods. BCIC LTD is giving consultancy services on project design, implementation and capacity building. On construction, BCIC LTD is operated in Syria, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Indonesia and targeted to satisfy customers according to their requests with using various construction technologies. BCIC LTD is always looking for modernity through their relations and the philosophy of "right step in right time" in order to extend its possessed products and make more people can aware and use of it.

On organization; BCIC LTD is arranging seminars, visits, trainings, application site seeing services to multinational companies and municipalities. Our other activities are: finding sister cities from abroad to our municipalities, organizing abroad visits and seminar services in Turkey to big organizations like CRS-Worldvision from all over the world.

On consultancy; BCIC LTD is giving project designing service in the area of infrastructure, superstructure, urban transformation, environment monitoring, market research, risk management etc. With their expertise BCIC LTD is able to design and implement projects and realized some projects in Ardahan, Kahramanmaras, .Izmit and Syria.

BCIC LTD is able to supply construction materials and other goods and services, in addition to this we can prepare tender documents and bid for international tenders on behalf of companies, perform marketing activities and give support to product development. BCIC LTD is an official vendor to United Nations Procurement Department and registered to NATO and NAMSA as supplier of goods and services